Stories that Matter

And So You Celebrate . . .


(My sister and I celebrating the arrival of the first copies of my new book!)

The past couple weeks have been a whirlwind. Both in my personal life and in the events happening around the world, and to be honest, right now I just want to step back from the bad and celebrate the good. Is that okay? I hope so.

On July 12th, after a very long journey , my latest novel, The Things We Knew, ( my first with Harper Collins Christian Publishing), was set free into the world! And where was I? Thanks to the very intrepid work of my amazing husband, I was on Nantucket, where the book is set. He planned the whole trip, even arranging a book signing on the island, at Mitchell’s Book Corner, on the very day of the book’s release!! The whole family joined us. And it was a dream come true.

I’m not sure I have the words or brain power at the moment to adequately describe the beauty of Nantucket or the crazy amazing experience to walk the streets I already felt I knew so well. Instead, I thought I’d share a few of my photos with you, and let them do the talking. But before I go, I need to thank my husband for this truly incredible experience. I will definitely never forget it!!

13606645_10153560857955899_4530598731231619591_n ThingsWeKnew 2-03b (1)13606645_10153560857995899_1485592515977882563_n Oh, hey, this looks familiar!

Beautiful Nantucket!


My first ever US book signing event!! If I look a little happy, it’s because I was. I was also terribly nervous. But everyone was lovely, and I had a great time!

And when it was all over . . .


Time to relax! And celebrate!

13754208_10153570614850899_1438802544368142791_nGoodbye, Nantucket! Until we meet again . . .



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